Bikramyoga <3

So, time to breath and be thankful for all that I have in my life. Everything always work out for the best, in the end! 
Got a place to stay with my man from january and teached my two first classes here in berlin yesterday. I feel so grateful for all the oppertunities that I get in my life. Im really trying to enjoy them all even when it means going to a dark dancestudio in the evening and ending up doing a improsession for 1 hour. 
Me and Carro are on a little adventure right now in Berlin, going to different places, exploring different stuff. We are right now in a Bikramyogaperiod and gonna try it out ( again) for ten days. Its really messing with your mind and you have to fight to get through the whole lesson but its GREAT afterwards. I always feel calm, honestly warm all the way in to my soul and superrelaxed.
Yesterday was a day full of stuff to do, today is not so we are taking the day of. Now were gonna go out and find a cosy place for a "fika" . 

Kom ihåg mig?

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Ett liv som frilansande dansare är inte alltid det lättaste. Att bo i sin väska , inte veta vart nästa jobb är och hålla träningen igång hör till en del av vardagen. But if theres passion theres hard work!

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