2 Advent

Yesterday I had a short jobmeeting and funny stuff is coming up, superhappy about that :) Afterwards I found myself in a a cozy place in Berlin I did not visit yet, so I just took a walk and since it was sun I took my chance to be outside for a while. had a nudelbox went around in one of the big malls and looked for christmaspresents. It was crazy much people and actually I didnt buy anything speciell but it was a nice day. 
The evening I spent at home with some nice leftovers from the tacos and a beer, cleened the apartment and prepared 2 danceclasses, skyped with my sister for a long time and just chilled. 
Today I had a meeting in the morning, went to a balletclass and then off to a big flohmarkt! Then home for adventsmys and now my stomach is full of pepparkakor, glühwein and chocolate. 
Happy advent you guys, crazy close to christmas. 

Kom ihåg mig?

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Ett liv som frilansande dansare är inte alltid det lättaste. Att bo i sin väska , inte veta vart nästa jobb är och hålla träningen igång hör till en del av vardagen. But if theres passion theres hard work!

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