
Yesterday me and my wifey took the bus to Hamburg early in the morning, met up with elliepellie and went to audition. Met some old friends from my class in Munich there, really nice to be able to give them a hug and see what everybodys is doing. 
The audition was supernice, really a big challenge but I had a nice time and got inspired from all the other talented dancers their fighting. My friend looked at me once during the day when everybody was varming up and said " we have such a wierd job" and that really got me thinking later. We do have a wierd job, our world is about putting yourself out there 100 procent and get 100 no thank you. Standing in a room with so many talanted people and wish that they choose you because you have something different, something they are searhing for. Its the same feeling every time, the fight for what you want and love. You are all competing against each other but still their is always a kind of positive feeling in the room. Maybe its just me but i think a like the feeling of competition. 
Anyway, afterwards we had a big burger in Hamburg (höhö), and then went for a walk, checked out a big mall and then took the bus home again. Came home kind of late but apparently I have sleeping problems now a days so woke up kind of early and went to Bikram.  Fucking love the feeling afterwards- calmness. 
Also teached a jazzclass today and had so much fun with my cute students. Looking forward to come back in january and teach them again. 
Now Im just chilling in tha bed and think im gonna go up early for bikram tomorrow so hopefully not another sleepless night. 

Kom ihåg mig?

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Ett liv som frilansande dansare är inte alltid det lättaste. Att bo i sin väska , inte veta vart nästa jobb är och hålla träningen igång hör till en del av vardagen. But if theres passion theres hard work!

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