
Today its thursday, here we go time is moving so fast. 
This morning me and Carro went to bikramyoga and today was really a nice session for me. Could really focus and I felt really strong weirdly enough since I did not sleep at all last night. Well sometimes your body suprises you. After that we went to an audition wich was really nice, had so much fun with both kombination and improvisation. I went there no idea what to expect but had so much fun , like my life right now. Afterwards I had a chailatte with süsse Franzi and talked about everything thats going on in our lifes know. Found this cute little cornercoffeshop in Kreuzberg wich is a neighbourhood wich is kind of in here in Berlin.  
Tomorrow its friday and I think it will be " buy all the christmaspresents day " with my carro, what else I dont know right now. Thats the most exciting part of being here. You never know where your ending up, what you can expect, what youre gonna see or who you gonna meet. 
Dont forget to stay free - its a scary but amazing feeling. Have a nice evening 

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Ett liv som frilansande dansare är inte alltid det lättaste. Att bo i sin väska , inte veta vart nästa jobb är och hålla träningen igång hör till en del av vardagen. But if theres passion theres hard work!

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