Rainy monday

Well hello and welcome to a new week. 
My day started early today with dropping of my last stuff at a friends house.I stayed there for a while and had breakfast and talked a little bit. Then I had to take the S-bahn home without a jacket since I cant really bring a jacket to India so it was a little bit cold but okey. Went to some stores to buy the very last stuff for my trip. 
So what else to do today, I have to clean the room and plan some classes. Maybe go for a walk later if it can please stop raining. Well I will see what happens. 
Now Im just waiting for my health to come back, I didnt train for a couple of days and Im going crazy not being able to. Bored, bored , bored. 
So, cleaning time. have a great day!

Kom ihåg mig?

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Ett liv som frilansande dansare är inte alltid det lättaste. Att bo i sin väska , inte veta vart nästa jobb är och hålla träningen igång hör till en del av vardagen. But if theres passion theres hard work!

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